Thursday 25 March 2010

Strange happenings.

I have spent most of the last 10 days feeling very hungry s I am trying to shed some weight, this morning I jumped on the scales and whilst waiting for the scales to calculate everything from weight to muscle mass I made my mind up that I would be happy with just 1lb loss in weight but deep down I was hoping for 2lb. Fantastic ! A 1lb gain. What on earth is that all about ? Wednesday my left ankle was feeling more stiff and sore than usual which is probably a case of too much speed training and too many miles. But I had decided on a speed session so after a five minute warm up which is usually enough to get the ankle feeling somewhat usable I hit the speed, over twelve minutes it took before I could run normal and until then I was convinced I should be resting. Anyway, I completed the session which ended with another treadmill P.B. and off I went home prepared to suffer later that evening with the ankle. After watching the track cycling world cup I got up to make a cup of coffee and was surprised that my ankle wasn't in any pain. Even more strange was when I got up this morning it felt just about perfect. I thought as you got older you got wiser but with running you just get more mystified.
All I need to do now is just about nothing until the race on Sunday which I can just about manage I think, I hope the rest doesn't do my ankle any harm and I'm thinking about eating a load of cakes with a shed load of beer to help me loose some weight whilst weird things are on the menu.

1 comment:

Antony Bradford said...

Somethings in running can't be explained by science and I am never surprised by anything. If you'd have gone to see a specialist he would probably have put a pot on it and told you to take a year off. It could be that you've just had a niggle and run it out. But what do I know?