Friday 2 April 2010

Good Run Good Friday Dunn.

I thought I had better get some miles in this week so from Monday I have managed 75 miles already for this week which on average is fifteen more miles than in a full week. For the past ten years or so on Good Friday I always have treated myself to a good long hard workout and today was no exception. This year I am trying too fit in about three 26 mile runs before tackling the marathon to see if it helps and that's what my target was today 26 miles at a good hard pace. I had an early start with a cold breeze for company and decided to work quite hard on the first ten miles which are a bit hilly but after that the route heads down hill and is more or less flat for the rest of the route. I got to the twenty mile point in 1 hour 53 minutes which is good going for me and then it's just a case of working and struggling with the last 6 mile as you would in a marathon. This time I was slightly stronger than last time over the last 6 miles but the last 4 miles were still one tough old slog. The last 6 miles took me just over 45 minutes which is about 10 minutes too slow so I will be working on this over the next 6 weeks. So overall I completed the course in 2 hours 38 minutes. I have noticed this year more than any other that the years or catching up with me, I seem to be spending alot of time trying sort out aching joints. You can tell when your getting older when after winning some vouchers for a running shop you no longer dream of some fancy running gear you can now get but instead wish the vouchers were for Boots or some other pharmacy.

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