Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The Sign.

    Instead of my usual speed training Wednesday routine I thought I would have a change this week by running the hillier 8 mile route home from work steadily but attacking any incline at maximum effort. There is definitely signs of improvement with my climbing ability compared to when I ran the Ripon 10 mile race just over three weeks ago. I have still a long way and time to go with this hill training lark and with the moral boosting signs of improvement it should make it more enjoyable for a while. I say for a while as there is only so much punishment one can take before cracks start to appear and the hard training suddenly changes from improving and becomes a wearing down process.
   It's only been 10 days since  my  last race though it seems like it was absolutely ages ago which is unfamiliar territory for me at this time of year as I'm usually counting down the races and looking forward to training.
   What next that is the question, fell race, track race, road race, trail race I'm spoilt for choice. I really need to get a couple of track races in if I'm going to have a go at the Masters National Track Championships in September. Going off my past experiences I will end up just going without any preparation and end up regretting it. I would be ok for the 5k but I could do with a few 1500 metres races before hand to get used to the pace or I should say to prevent me from setting off way too fast which is exactly what I would do. A fell race or two would help with my climbing and a road race is what its all about for me. Trail sounds good as does a good old multi terrain race, I would do em all if I could. It's a good job it's  not winter or else I would be throwing a cross country race into the mix as well. Talking of cross country that could be something else to look into for 2017 the Masters National Cross Country Championships. Now that does sound like a good idea.

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