Saturday 4 August 2007

The New Begining.

Week 1
Easy shorts runs - Completed. I could quite easily get used to not having to get up early in a morning to go for a run. I missed all morning sessions and then on Thursday night i decided i would go for a run on Friday morning. What a battle it was to drag myself out of bed. That little devils voice almost persuaded me to not bother. But 5 minutes down the road i was glad i had bothered and that feel good feeling afterwards was certainly worth the effort.
Build up the mileage over the next two weeks at an ejoyable pace , i'm sure i can just about manage to do that. Saturady i completed the long run at an easy pace and still found it quite tiring by the end. At least this year i haven't got the i'm totally sick of this feeling. I actually feel quite keen to get back to full training already.
The dog must of stood on a sharp stone or something and has skinned one of its pads on its paw. I told it i had better go by myself for an easy hours run round the forest tomorrow. I was waiting for it to say not likely but she seems to be sulking at the moment. A paw test in the morning sounds good, if not she can sit in the car and watch me trot off into the distance.
The Warrior must come back stronger next year , defeat will not be tollerated. MULLAC A BOO

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