Sunday 9 September 2007

Run and Cut.

After spending all week trying to get my legs to recover after the Tholthorpe 10k race i eventually made it to the start of the Wetherby 10k in full working order.
For my race warm up i ran the first kilometre of the race route and more importantly the final kilometre. it seemed quite windy at the start line but not to bad out on the course , well that soon changed because as soon as the race started i was heading out into quite a strong head wind , those cheeky Wetherby runners who organise the race must of switched the turbo wind fans on. I pressed on hoping to achieve my aim of winning the prize bonus for getting round in under 32.30. Running the last kilometre in 3.07 helped achieve my goal and i finished in 32.14.
With two races done in my new season , i am loosing time drastically between 4k and 7k so that will have to be rectified.
I was offered a free massage , so i took up the offer and i will see if it makes any difference.Last week it took me until Wednesday to get running back on my toes , with my legs feeling the same as the week before after the race. I will report if it has made any difference. ( Monday felt great , Tuesday fine , Wednesday 100%. It seemed to work that well i'll be sending my wife on a course.)
In all ,it was an excellent well run race with many saying they'll be back next year. I bet it was the Ice cream man i overheard with the size of the ques at his van.
The dog managed a quick dash round the field and with Middlesbrough 10k on the menu for next week , she be glad to get back to the long training runs. I gave her a hair cut , "the clippers are totally worn out and kept shaving bald patches all over her" , that's what i told my wife anyway. The dog looks embarrassed when it sees another dog , i can see it looking at the other dogs saying Hey ! i didn't ask for it to be cut like this.

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