Sunday 2 September 2007

Back Racing / Sort Of

My up and coming plans had to be changed again. I missed out on my long run again this weekend but that left me fresh for the Tholthorpe 10k road race on the sunday. The starters gun went and yet again i was at full steam chasing Stephan Hepples up the road , i managed to hold on for 2 1/2 kms before feeling i had better slow down a touch if i had plans of finishing this race. 1/2km further and we turned into a strong head wind , which i was expecting but not expecting to start loosing 30 seconds each km. From sub 3 minute kms to 3.30 kms. As i turned and got the much needed tail wind ,on my back , i was to knackered to make use of it. With Hepples well clear way ahead up the road i couldn't really get stuck in and chase. Hitting the last km i decided to give it all and get back under 3 minutes which i quite easily managed. Hepples took the win with me trailing in second 1minute and 35 seconds down at 32.36. And Stuart Johnson took third.
An improvement of around 45 seconds on the previous year so in all it turned out to be a good weekend. With £20 vouchers and the North Yorkshire 10k Gold Medal all is looking well at the moment for improving my performance next year. With only 4 months to go , nows the time not to miss any training sessions.
I can't see myself beating my 10k P.B. at the Teespride 10k but i will certainly be trying.
The dog had another weekend off , so the dog will be struggling if she doesn't sort her training out.

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