Sunday 7 October 2007

A good start with a Cross Country Triumph.

NYSD Cross Country - It was the first time i had been looking forward to a cross country fixture , and i was looking forward to a really tough race with plenty of stiff competition. I don't know what happened to them all , at least young Alex Duffield from Loftus was up for a battle , even though i managed to beat him i was very impressed with his response afterwards saying he'll give me a closer battle next time. Just the sort of attitude i like , ok you've beaten me this time but i'll be back. It's a pitty i will be missing the next two rounds with having to go to the Black Sheep awards and the Guy Fawkes 10 mile race. Them at NYSD Cross Country will be thinking i'm running scared. But i'll be back for the Thirsk fixture.
I have just signed up for my first marathon ,The Edinburgh Marathon. 25th May 2008. So i have got plenty of time between now and then to get clued up as much as possible. For a start , any advice on somewhere to stay would be appreciated .Is it best to stay in the City Centre or at the finish at Musslebrough? Now i have a main goal/aim to train for , the long winter nights hopefully won't be as hard. I must admit i certainly struggled last winter compared to the year before.
The dog only managed to get a short walk in at the cross country race but i've got an extra long run organised for next Saturday whilst the wife is away. A good hilly 27 miler should do the trick.
Oh! I better not mention how we did as a Team at the Cross Country Fixture. With Phil Utley and Richard Soper my only team mates i don't think we did to well seeing as you need six to count. Norman Smith our Director was there , may be i should of tried persuading Norman out of retirement. My dreams of a super team are now in tatters. Phil Utley managed to get to the race using the excuse we were all depending on him for the team, but his wife was there to witness our poor turn out.I don't think he will be able to use that excuse next time. I will see if i can find him another excuse for future events.

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