Sunday 28 September 2008

Back to training.

After doing some short fast racing for the last three weekends it was a nice change to go for a hilly 22 miler. Even the dog decided to come out with me, it must of known i was a bit down after the mid-week failure at the Gladiators. I was in two minds as whether to take the dog as last time i did the 22 mile Hilly route it knackered it out for a week, but this time it was me that struggled with the last 5 miles.
Only another weekend of long run training then it's the first of the cross country races, so that should be good for a change. Talking of changes, i got my first Friday run to and from work this week so that will increase my mileage slightly, due to not taking anything with me, i had to make do with an egg and bacon sandwich from the snack van. I know it's not the healthiest option but it was certainly the tastiest option. I had to rest Saturday with aching muscles, the visit to the gym was slightly over done, there wasn't a bleeding muscle that didn't ache.
I'll dig them spikes out this week and make sure there still up to the job, i don't want to be rushing around the day before trying to buy some spikes as i did last year.
I'm trying to focus my mind on Marathon Training so bulking up with muscle down at the gym won't do me any good, so I'll stick to the once/twice session a week at most.

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