Sunday 19 October 2008

Hilly, Windy Half Marathon

Not long after starting the Bridlington Half Marathon i knew it was going to be one of those days yet again, especially when you think you must of run 5 miles at the up and coming 3 mile marker. Again i felt tired and struggled breathing and finished in what must be my worst performance personally as a runner yet. I finished 3rd in approximately 74 minutes 30 seconds 0nly five and half minutes off my best. But apart from that it was a good day out in windy Bridlington.
I've now got my Gran Canaria holiday to look forward to next weekend, i think it will be a good chance to recharge my batteries and get some enthusiasm back.
The gym work is coming along nicely and so is the stuffing my face with food, so at least there is some positive things to look at. To try and do something different i've started hitting the treadmill on a Tuesday evening for some controlled hard work, much better than a steady 9 mile plod around the cold wet streets of Thirsk.

1 comment:

Antony Bradford said...

Glad it was not just me who found it windy on Sunday. I was hoping to finish around 1-15, found the last 2 miles hard, even though it was down hill!!

I saw you drift off the pace with Bangani around 4 or 5 miles. David Watson seemed to set off like a rocket and going by the time only just managed to hold off Bangani at the end.

Did enjoy stuffing my face at the end of the race with fish, chips and gravy, followed by 5 freshly made donuts. Not as good as a pub lunch but it was all ready to eat in 5 mins.

Good luck with your running, not looking forward to you reaching 40(vet 40)though.