Thursday 1 January 2009

Enthusiasm Strikes Back

The pain continues. Yesterday was a five miler followed by a visit to the local gym, i took on the usual weekly challenge of trying to lift as much as possible which in turn i woke up this morning with stiff shoulders and legs, so to loosen them off i just did a steady 18 miler. I don't know what is up with the dog but it's been on every run so far this week. Which concludes that even dogs go on a keep fit craze after Christmas. I'm dreading the New year keep fitters down at the gym in January, i'll never get on a machine with all them new year resolutionists sat there exercising their tongues and not what they are supposed to be exercising. But by February they have all just about given up and normal weight training can resume.

1 comment:

Simon Anderson said...

That reminds me of a 13 miler I did one night last January. Every gym car park was full.

Why the eff you see kay didn't they run there?!!