Sunday 4 October 2009

Easy 22 miler. Errr, I don't think so.

You just know deep down when you have been enjoying yourself too much on the Sunday long run that something must be wrong somewhere. Today I opted not to venture out onto the moors for another long run but decided on the old faithful run of 22 miles around Boltby and Kepwick. This is no easy 22 miler and seeing as I had got some long runs in the bank already I thought this would be just another steady long training run, how wrong was I ? The last 5 miles I was having flash backs to Edinburgh Marathon where I suffered really badly, I wasn't as bad this time but I wasn't far off. 2 hours 50 minutes and absolutely knackered, 17 minutes off my best time so I have plenty of work to do in the long run department.
At least I'm getting somewhere with the speed sessions on the treadmill, so all is not too bad. Next week is the first race in the NYSD Cross Country League so that will be one hell of a test to see what form I'm in. At least my spikes are already clean and ready to go, with the option of all out cross country spikes or my preferred choice of middle distance track spikes.

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