Thursday 15 October 2009

Old Spartan Fights Back.

I may of been slightly gutted about under performing at the Cross Country Race last weekend, or I should say I was well beaten fair and square but I was keen to get back to some hard training and that's what I've been doing, then yesterday I received a letter informing me I had been selected for the English team for the International Masters Cross Country Race in November, I couldn't of timed it better if I tried, I reckon I should be in some really good form by then. With the Thirsk 10 mile road race two weeks after the cross country race I will be gunning to beat my P.B. time of 51 minutes 41 seconds, the Northern 10 mile championships are Incorporated into the race so the competition will be extremely high, hopefully there will be plenty of runners at a similar ability to myself to help push me to my limits.
With racing and other training plans disrupting my usual training routine I have juggled things about to still fit everything in but the speed session on Wednesday with the Club followed by my own interval speed training on Thursday makes for a hard session indeed. After all the suffering and sweat the feel good factor afterwards sat at home is well worth it.
I have been pondering on my latest thought after over hearing people after races saying how hard that course was or how easy it was. I am convinced there is no easy course or hard course but a matter of how much effort you actual put in. If the course is really hilly then you get the down hill sections to recover, if the race is long then you compensate by running at a s lightly easier pace and if the course is dead flat then you just go eye balls out non stop. Unless someone comes up with a good reason I'm sticking with my thought for now.

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