Sunday 22 November 2009

Magic Rain Jacket.

On Friday morning I ran to work at my usual easy steady pace for a morning run as I find non of my joints work properly until after 8.00am. I can't say I was looking forward to the run back home after work but plodding along for the first mile I suddenly felt I had some springiness back into my stride so the plod turned into a good tempo run. Due to switching some of my training routines around I had hard a speed session penciled in for Saturday morning followed by weight training. The session was 50 minutes on the treadmill which involved running hard for 7 minutes followed by 3 minutes running steady then repeating for the whole 50 minutes. Seeing as only a few weeks ago I found 6 minutes very hard at 19km/h this time 7 minutes didn't feel too bad. The weight training straight afterwards wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, the only problem was the cold with the air conditioning and me cooling down.

I was thinking reducing my long run on a Sunday to 1 hour or 10 miles but I enjoy the long run and I find two hours is of no problem what so ever. So this morning I stayed on home ground and spent two and half hours running to, around and back from Sutton Bank. The rain proof running jacket I got was worth every penny. Not only does it keep you dry but it actually stops it from raining as soon as you put it on, I should of taken it with me last week to Birmingham.

A great way of wasting more of my life away I find is playing on the Xbox 360, with the latest game being Modern Warfare 2. Just a quick go on line playing against the other million opponents and before you know it two hours have vanished. I thought I was doing really well as on the world rankings I have moved up to 181,000 th place but over night I have probably lost another 30,000 positions.

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