Thursday 26 November 2009

Party Time.

The Club time trial didn't really provide me with the vital information that I was looking for due to it being windy. One thing I do know is that my lungs were absolutely killing me afterwards, just like they were after the International Cross Country the other week. I'm hoping / guessing that it's down to the lack of racing over the last few months and by Sunday things should be improving. My time was way short of my best by at least 46 seconds which works out about 23 seconds per mile slower. But I was only 8 seconds slower than what I did in good conditions in March when I set PB's at 5k and 5 mile. So I can confirm exactly that I have absolutely no idea what shape I'm in. Now if you ask me how's the weight training coming along I would be happy to say fantastic, even more so now I've added some hard interval sessions on the stepping machine.
The Thirsk 10 line up is getting better all the time with Andrew Pearson now in the mix, along with Ste Hepples, Thomas Abyu, Ian Fisher and that's just a few names I have been informed of. My money is on Ste Hepples to take the victory once again and I would put somebody Else's money on me each way if the placings go down to 10th.
With it being my Birthday this weekend/Monday fitting a race in doesn't half make things difficult. With having my dad to entertain this weekend plus going out Saturday for a meal with somebody Else's party to go to afterwards doesn't make for good race preparation. Then after the race on Sunday it's straight to the pub again with the family for Sunday lunch. It almost sounds like I'm returning to my drunken past.

1 comment:

Jill Bennett said...

wishing you all the very best for sunday Gary