Wednesday 3 February 2010

Preparing for Dewsbury 10k

My training on the treadmill is still progressing and each week another P.B. is set. Either I have managed to add 10 seconds to my interval time or I have reduced my recovery time, each session is very hard as I can only just about manage to complete the training sesion and think that the end of improving must be very close but I've been thinking that since September. Plus I'm keen as hell and can't wait for the next session unlike the road intervals and track intervals that became more of a must do than the enjoyment of doing them. Another year or so and I'll be fed up with the treadmill and looking forward to some track intervals but for the time being the hell machine it is.
Dewsbury 10k is getting close and I can't wait to see what time I am capable of, after my 3km indoor track race a few weeks ago the race for race predictor says I should manage 33 mins 17 secs after taking into account the couple of pounds I've lost since then. Bloody hell ! I hope to run alot faster than that but I must admit that in the past the predictor has been spot on. The Cameron Formula works out at 35 mins 05 secs, I suggest this Cameron Formula bloke goes and has a quiet word with himself and hands his resignation in where ever he works.


Henry Heavisides said...

I had a look at the Cameron formula based on my recent half marathon & 10k results & it gives very strange predictions for distances under 5k. Presumably it's equally unreliable forecasting up from 3k.

The Engineer said...

Thank goodness for that.
If it had said I was capble of a sub 30 minute 10k I would of said the bloke deserves a medal.
Thanks for the comment, I just hope we are right.