Thursday, 15 September 2011

It's all about the speed.

  I remember saying this a while back but I'm ready to say it again. After months of moaning  about my injured ankle I'm sure it's now ok so I will try not to mention the blasted thing again.
  The speed session this week unfortunately had to be on the treadmill but at least it lets me know what fitness level I'm at, the session was supposed to be 2 mins at 21km/h with 3 mins recovery by 10 sets. First of all I couldn't manage 2 mins at 21km/h so it had to be reduced to 1 1/2 mins and then I only managed to squeeze out 8 sets. Normally I should be able to knock out 2 1/2 minutes for the full 10 sets so there's plenty of hard work ahead if I'm going to get back upto speed.
   Next week I will be glad to give the treadmill speed session a miss as I will be revisiting the sports field complex at Knayton near Thirsk, the interval session on the grass against fellow runners should help build some stamina and also come in handy for the up and coming Cross Country Races.
   I'm off trekking around the Yorkshire 3 peaks tomorrow morning but come Saturday I will be straight back into training mode as my No1 priority now is to regain that missing speed. Oh ! Not forgetting the all important weigh in on Saturday, all I ask for is a mere 1 lb loss. Come on scales ! be kind.

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