Wednesday 19 February 2014

Any old excuse.

   I have a bit of a change around this week with my speed training session now being  tomorrow instead of today and not only that I have ex team mate and long time training partner Phil Utley to help make things really difficult. It doesn't matter who is the quickest it's all about who can suffer the most. On a note of suffering my body or should I say legs and ankles don't think too much of this idea of switching my training about. My ankles were stiff as chuff today and my legs felt as if they had been hit with a baseball bat so it was a good job I was only doing an easy five miler and not my usual speed training. I would like to blame it on the age thing but seeing as I'm not one for excuses I will put it down as being normal. I have heard some excuses in my time and plenty on start lines as well, " I've had Flu" must be the most popular along with "I have a cold ". Does that mean if you beat me you have done so even though you are way off your best or if I beat you does then that mean I only beat you because you were I'll.  Best place for excuses is in your kit bag out of the way, or if you want to give me a laugh tell me them. God knows in the past I have been amazed how some people even manage to make it over the start line after what they had just told me.


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