Saturday 22 February 2014


    Going  back to my original plan of competing at the National Masters 5km championships in June with a target time of 16 mins 30 secs. Well ! I haven't done a 5km test run but by my calculations from my training data today I would say I am now there. I have well and truly surpassed what I thought I would be capable of at this present time, I must be around fifteen weeks ahead now of my original plan which I would say is worth at least a "get in there" .
   Plan "B" of sub sixteen minutes can now join Plan "A" in the wheelie bin and now it's time to bring out the mighty plan "C" which is the all out attack on my personal best time at 5k which is 15 minutes 17 secs.
   The new bike is going really well now that I have finished  adjusting my riding position, you wouldn't of thought that such small differences would make such a big difference. Its gone from feeling like a shopping bike to a good commuting bike and then finally I feel I could now do a race on it.
   I am reducing the mileage of my long run this week down to sixteen miles the route is hillier than last week and more scenic but once again I will leave any type of timing device at home. One thing I do miss on the Sunday Long run is my good old training partner the dog who retired from running way before I did. She is now eleven years old  and probably could do a ten miler if she felt the need but she definitely  doesn't feel the need and let's me get on with it whilst she enjoys a lie in.

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