Saturday 15 February 2014

Trusty Old Veterans Save The Day.

   Week eleven of my journey - I can now run faster and for over an hour compared to the speed which I first ran my 5k test run eleven weeks ago which by the way was just under  nineteen minutes. I will up my game this week with the long run and will go for a twenty miler tomorrow, I will keep with the plan of keeping the pace steady and enjoyable as there is plenty of time yet before I need to up my game even further.
  My new bike turned up yesterday which is for commuting to and from work, I thought the new bike would help keep me motivated and help with a bit of cross training but to be honest the bike is that good it will be a pleasure to ride it to and from work.
The Old Veterans
  I still haven't purchased any new race shoes yet but I will be doing so at the end of the month. I was using some Brooks racing shoes for speed work and test runs but I was getting some serious blisters off them, they obviously don't suit my running style of being a supinator that is running on the outside edge of the shoe. So I dug out some old Adidas Adios race shoes which had been demoted to indoor work wear, these race shoes should of been treated with a lot more respect and honour as they were once a fierce ally and assisted me in many victories. As  soon as the old battered veterans were placed on my feet and even though most of the tread is now missing I just knew they were up to doing the business once again. That was just over a week ago now and they haven't let me down and my feet are in perfect condition yet again after my speed training sessions. It feels like the Adios shoes become part of my feet and not that my foot is in something.  I just hope the new boost version are just as brilliant and for £90 they had better be.
New Version
  And so  The Journey continues it might  be slowing a touch but it is still on course and ahead of schedule, I'm so glad one of the rail companies is not writing my training plans.

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