Wednesday 28 May 2014

Cold War.

 Cold, cold blinking cold. It was only four weeks ago since I last had a cold and I have only gone and got myself another one. Not the best of time to get a cold with an important race this Sunday and the Masters National Championships two weeks after that.
  The cold I have this time is nowhere near as bad as the last one I had and I assumed that it wouldn't effect my running. Thankfully I was right as I did a short test run tonight, short but not lacking on effort and everything seems to be ok. Even if I was impeded for this weekends race then surely I would be OK for the championship so as I would say to others "shut up whinging and get on with it".
  Working on my 5.25km treadmill test theory  to replicate a 5k road race then I should just be able to sneak under the 16 minute barrier at the Middlesbrough 5k race at the weekend. Going off some of my training sessions then I should be capable of knocking another thirty seconds off that time which I very much doubt.  But in all honestly I just want to, need to and hope to get under sixteen minutes. The weather forecast looks promising for some fast running so that's a good start.
   Anyway it will be good to get back blogging about races rather than training which should be more interesting just like in running life.
   My waterproof jacket has finally given up on doing its job, it only had one bleedin job to do and that was to keep water out and it can't even be bothered to do that anymore. I tried treating it with some waterproofer but it must of been to little to late. So let me see what jacket I can try this time round.  One of best jackets was the Original Mountain Marathon Kamleika. It was waterproof, breathable and long lasting. The only downside was it didn't have a liner inside of some sort so it wasn't the warmest of jackets and you had to were a long sleeve top underneath or the sleeves would stick to your skin. Time to see what's on offer.

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