Friday 15 August 2008

Bad Back and Bad News.

This week and the following weeks are going to be very sad times. The training was coming along fine and then i picked up a bad back which has resulted in me not being able to run since last Saturday. But that doesn't matter really. Back at the end of May my best running moment ever was at the Edinburgh Marathon and what a day that was, with my family there and parents in support as well. The following day my mother was not feeling too great and thought it was due to a small lump on her side making her feel sick, probably an hernia. After a very slow diagnosis and an never ending wait for results along with all the agonising pain she has had to endure before being admitted to hospital, now the news is that there is nothing they can do and my mum is about to be moved to a St Cathrine's Hospice for terminally ill people. If it weren't for all those charities this country would be in a very sad state. I will now join the other thousands of charity runners in raising money, i may have just about lost my dear mother (lost but never forgotton) but hopefully i will be able with the thousands of others help save somebody else's mother before it's to late one day.

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