Monday 2 July 2007

Lazy runner won't come running says dog

The training plan was looking good after my race at Rainton . All that needed doing was to tick the boxes. Speed training - Done
Heavy weight lifting - Done
Long Run 20 mile plus -
This is where it started to go wrong. All i had to do was get the long run in with the trusted dog and then it was all rest and race up to Burn Valley. Problem was i woke up Saturday morning way to early and instead of feeling eager to go running i felt sick as a parrot. I'm glad I'm not a parrot if this is how they feel all the time. Some sort of stomach bug i must of picked up from somewhere , or was it poisoning , You know what local rivalry is like. Anyway it's now Monday and i have done nothing for three whole days , then just as i'm on the mend i read about Tony Mawson the Blacksheep race organiser having to go to Hospital for treatment. Hope he gets well soon. So i'll have to miss my last chance to go Fishering at the Harrogate League on Tuesday night and hopefully try and make Burn Valley myself. To be honest i hadn't given myself much hope of beating Ian Fisher (this time) but i won't be giving up yet. Plan B6 is just being prepared. Rickie Wilson from Scarbrough/Harrogate is starting to get too close for comfort , along with Jamil Parapia , one false move and i'll be back in the bunch.
That's it from me, the dog has been none to pleased. Especially when the wife didn't take it on the 20 mile trail run we had planned.

1 comment:

Phil Utley said...


You should trade the dog in for a cat. I get plenty of days off training, Our cats too lazy to come out for a run, the perfect training partner for those wet windy cold Sunday mornings.