Sunday 2 December 2007

Brrrr TTTThirsk 10 miler.

With Thirsk 10 mile road race having a new date i was pleased there wasn't someone with a hose pipe at the finish to soak me like there usually is. I was expecting to witness a good battle between Fisher, Hepples and Bilton. But on the day only Ian Fisher of Otley braved the freezing rain, oh and not forgetting the other 700+ runners and marshalls. By the half way point i was looking good for a 51 minute performance and Fisher was on target for sub 50 minutes. Then between 6 miles and 9 miles i lost a lot of time, Fisher was loosing time to but not as fast as me. I said i was faster than him i just forgot to mention what at. Over the last 3 miles he doubled the gap between us to Finish in 51.28 and i came in at 52.52. Over a minute down on my P.B. but i'll be back. Behind i missed a close battle for third. S.Neill 54.02 and Mike Burett 4th in 54.08.
This time tomorrow i should be well on my way to Lanzarote, good by cold weather training hello warm weather. At last a chance to get some training in. Even a go on a pedallo i get a good hour of training in.
The dog is waiting patiently to be dropped off for it's full re-energise and rest break. At least it has fun chasing cats out of the sister-in-laws garden.
Adios amigo.

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