Wednesday 12 December 2007

Winter Lazing Camp

The winter training camp turned into the winter lazing camp. The Thirsk 10 miler in lovely freezing cold rain went really well for the first 6 miles then my legs must of thought it was only 10k race as they packed in at this point. It took until wednesday before i could manage a short run and by this time i had found how to eat lots of food and get stuck into the free beer , so the idea of going for a jog didn't seem to be looking good. After 5 miles my legs soon stiffened up and they where just about locked out solid after 8 miles but i could look forward to another day of rest and refueling (it sounds better than feeding Mr greedy chops). Behind the Hotel was a mountain which i was determined to conquer before i left. Attempt 1: Went for the direct route but got trapped in to many of the locals back gardens. Attempt 2 : Take the main roads in the hope of managing to reach the bottom of the mountain in good time leaving enough time for the quest. Problem was the roads weren't leading to where i wanted to go, and by the time i reached the lower slope i was out of time. Attempt 3: Bought a map, studied for a couple of minutes and i was off. Cross country, minor roads and dirt tracks i was there in good time with just the climb to the top. No problem , if your a mountain goat. But by the time i was half way up i was walking and my legs where on fire. By the time i recahed the top i should of been back to the hotel but i just had to do this to make up for my laziness over the last week, and i knew if i made it i would feel alot better afterwards. The descent was as bad as the climb sliding down razor sharp volcanic rock but luckily i stayed upright. Back at the hotel the wife said "where the hell have you been" i replied "like i said i was going to get up that mountain there, did you see me". "No i was sun bathing". My proud moment gone for good and all proof gone with it. Nothing but a faded memory now as the mountain grows in my mind.By the end of the week it will be everest. The brand new Saucony trainers are now on there way back to the shop with parts of the tread sections hanging off and missing for no apparent reason. It just looks like the tread has been sliced out with some sort of sharp volcanic rock ,how strange. Just hope they exchange them. It didn't say on the instructions not to go sliding down volcanos so i didn't bother mentioning it.
First day back and i met up with Ray Johnstone at Ripon Runners to return a Shield and take up an offer to have a training session with them. It certainly made a good change than having to face 10 mile by myself. With Richard Watson pacing me around the streets of Ripon it turned out to be a good training session in all. Many thanks to Ripon Runners for allowing me to tag.

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