Sunday 20 January 2008

Heading in the right Direction.

This time last year i was on a high after winning the Brass Monkey Half Marathon and this year i didn't make it to the start line. On a positive side the training seems to be coming along fine, with a long run Saturday and finishing quite strong, it was a huge difference compared to the same route run done 4 weeks ago. This time i was 20 minutes quicker and felt ok the day after. On the Sunday i met up with Phil Utley ( Looks like he's got a good season ahead of him as he is getting to close for comfort in speed training ) and we managed a run of 2 hr 15 minutes in tough conditions, hilly, muddy, and bloody slippy but well worth it in the end even though i went down yet again.
The dog absolutely enjoyed both runs but it needs a hair cut the scruffy mutt, it takes for ever washing it when i get back home. It's about time they invented an automatic dog wash, a bit like a car wash but smaller.
Only one more weekend of double long runs than i can get into some serious hill training. I've got a bit bored with the no rain no gain. Any more rain and i might as well go to the swimming baths. The week ahead forecasts more rain and some snow so no change there then.
I must admit it's really hard at this time of year to stay motivated and keen to get out and train but not long now and spring will be here. Then hopefully the rewards of all those dark, cold, wet training sessions put in through the depths of winter will pay off when we come to race those that never bothered. (hopefully)