Sunday 27 January 2008

Testing times ahead.

No, No, No! Another week of excuses. This time with a stinking cold which peaked between Friday and Saturday. But fortunately i managed to get out Sunday morning with a couple of the Harriers. Just as i was beginning to start feeling sorry for myself the long run brought me round and injected a bit of that lost enthusiasm that has been missing recently. Hopefully i should be 100% fit by Wednesday and with a club time trial on the menu it should be a good test to see how far behind i've got.

I'm using the excuse - it's good to have an easy week once a month - to keep that little devil in my mind quiet, otherwise it will be saying don't be so soft and get out there, it's that same little devil that drove me to chronic fatigue. I should try and shut that little devil up with some medication but that little devil is also responsible for helping me in races by reminding me when someone goes past , "Come on lazy arse get a move on, at this rate we'll be last".

The long haired mut is having the time of it's life with all these easy runs and pheasants to chase around. I must find time to get the dog sheared.

Next weekend is looking good with a long run of 18 miles plus with Stewart Mechie taking us round his full monty route, a tough hilly route and with it being a new route for me should make it even more interesting, especially as in my training diary i should be doing a hilly interval session the day before.

I've prepared myself for any disapointment on Wednesday's time trial result with the fact that at least i'm fully fit. So god help me if i have a crap run and i'm not healthy. I'll work on a remedy for that in the next few days, you have to look for a positive somewhere. Don't you!