Tuesday 1 January 2008


My start to the new year is a bit off track at the moment. I have managed to grow over the christmas period by a whooping 9 lb and i also managed to pick up a knee injury which in turn has put a stop to my training plans. But at the end of the day the rest will do me good.
With my feet up and enough food to carbo load for a 500 mile event i am reading up on as much information as possible on marathon training. It seems very similar to the training i was doing for cycling with the four phases. So after five weeks of base training you actually look forward to some interval training concentrating on strength before introducing the power phase and finally the speed. By mid April i will be hoping to be some where near my 2007 best and by the end of May hopefully in P.B breaking form.
I did manage a run just after christmas with a couple of my fellow club mates and that did bring back the purpose of running in the first place , that is to enjoy it. So when my winning days have vanished i will be still be running as i enjoy it that much.
The dog didn't get much to aid its 2008 running season , a squeaky toy and chews. No heart rate monitor , no race shoes and its still bloody keen as ever to get going.

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