Sunday 6 January 2008

No excuses

Two long runs in two days is just what i needed. The first long run with the effort i was putting in , i was 9 minutes slower after 2 hours and 10 minutes than 3 months ago. The second long run was with 6 of us from the harriers we nearly had seven but one went down with a sickness bug. These social training runs are perfect for the mind and getting some excuses for the Harriers website. Mark Ludiman slipped over descending and came back with i slipped on the ice. The ice must of been stuck to the bottom of his shoe from a drink he got from the pub the night before because i saw no ice or snow. Stuart Mechie was using the excuse "i've just got back off holiday and haven't run for eleven days", but he seemed to be going well to me. Alan Somers "i've only been doing hard sessions and races for three weeks so i'm a bit worn out". Myself i stuck to "burnt out and coming back slowly" this excuse should last a while, non of these short term excuses for me.
The dog came along Saturday but missed out on Sunday, i don't think it was to pleased when i went out the door in full running gear without it. Not to worry i'll take it street bashing tomorrow night instead.
Only fourteen weeks to go now before my Marathon debut.

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