Saturday 30 August 2008

Heavy Training.

I have now entered a zone that i have never been in before. Inconsistency. I did a 5 mile time trial test and finished 30 seconds slower than my best time then three days later i ran a 22 miler which i did back in March before the marathon and took 10 minutes off that, with the added bonus of going through a checkpoint that is the same checkpoint on a much shorter route but went through quicker than ever before. All i need to do now is hope i'm having a good day on the day of a race.
This weekend's training has gone well with a good 22 mile hilly tempo run Friday followed by a hilly 2 hour trail run today and hopefully another twelve mile tomorrow of fell running.
For extra training i have put on half a stone so when i manage to shed the extra weight i should go pretty well, easier said than done. I have been on a diet for two weeks and somehow i managed to put 6lb on. Probably due to being on holiday and not having to cycle to work every day.
I fell into the trap of running the same old routes week after week, which does absolutely nothing for your motivation to get the miles in. So i have run some different routes and will try and recce some of the fell race routes which will come in handy if i do any of the fell races i haven't done yet, which is just about all of them. Old crazy horse K.Richardson hopefully will be showing me round the Gisborough moors fell race route which i might have a go at next year.
Only a week to go now for the Tholthorpe 10k which will do nicely for a pipe opener. That is get them heart and lungs stretched to their limits, always tough that first race back.
Here are some fellow Runners preparing to race. Give nothing take everything.

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