Sunday 31 August 2008

Captain Cooks Fell Route

Today me and the dog went and checked out the route for the Captain Cooks Fell Race. The first lap was a warm up with a bit of map reading and the second lap we did as a fast jog. Bloody hell that steep hill upto Captain Cooks Monument through the woods took some getting up. I was forced into walking in some parts, i suppose it will set me up nicely for the hill at the Tholthorpe 10k, it will seem like a speed hump now after that.

The second lap was done in 37 minutes and it seemed more like an opening and closing gate contest than anything else. The record of 29 minutes and whatever seconds looks like it will be a very tough record for someone to beat. Probably would be quicker going clockwise round the route but probably not by much.

I won't get chance for a while to check another of the local fell race routes out, but me and the dog are looking forward to the next one, much better than doing the same old routes every weekend.

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