Sunday 7 September 2008

Back and Gold ,Back and Gold

It turned out to be a fine day in the end, weather wise and running wise at the Tholtorpe 10k road race which included the North Yorkshire 10km Championships. I knew this was going to be a difficult race seeing i haven't raced for 6 weeks, the first 5k i felt better than i expected but the last 5k i felt i was really struggling. By the 4km marker i was on target for a sub 30 minute 10k but i soon lost time and extra to finish in 32 mins 26 secs. Still good enough for first and a Gold Medal for the North Yorkshire Championship. With my team mates Cameron Choules finishing 3rd and Richard Hall 4th we took the team prize well and truly.
My target time was 32-20 so i was only 6 seconds out. Hopefully my next target of getting under 32 minutes next week at Wetherby will be under the mark as there is £100 bonus at stake.
I feel i can get at least a minute quicker over the next three weeks especially as i'm still 7lb over weight at the moment.
The interview with the Press Man on Video didn't go to well after the race. I felt like one of those useless suckers off the X-Factor. I'm just glad i didn't have to sing, talking was bad enough.

Video dedicated to my return.

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