Sunday 23 November 2008

The long snow run.

My initial plan was to get a twenty miler in today but because of the snow i settled for fourteen miles instead. Everything was going well and i was starting to think i had made a mistake and should of tackled the longer run but by the time i had reached the 10 mile point the snow had turned to slush and there's nothing i find more depressing than sloshing around in freezing cold filthy slush, so the correct decision was made in the end. I would of liked to of done the Clay Bank West fell race today as i much prefer racing to training and especially as i've felt a lot better since last weeks hard race at the Cross Country fixture.
I was in more shock that the dog decided it would come along for the run seeing as it's not been for weeks and it tackled the snow and distance with ease, it's a pity i can't say that myself after a few weeks off.
Another couple of weeks training and then it will be time for the next Cross Country Race which i'm looking forward to already, in my racing world there's nothing as tough as those events especially more so when your not on top form but to reach your potential i think the Cross Country Races help improve your pain threshold ready for your next race season.


Antony Bradford said...

Sorry to here your not a real spartan(moan of the week), just spent the last few months building up an armoury to do battle at the next race. I was rather fancying my chances seeing as I can't get near to your running times.

The Engineer said...

That's what i like to see. A fellow gladiator with a good sense of humor. My tip would be to attack now while i'm not going too well, but you had better be quick as i can feel my strength returning.
Good running, and i'll look forward to our next battle.