Sunday 30 November 2008

Rivals did good.

Due to family commitments and the need to train i missed the Thirsk 10 mile road race which was a massive success with the feed back received via Thirsk and Sowerby Harriers website. I managed to see the race at the 9 mile point where Ste Hepples of Loftus was in the lead and was looking quite relaxed but the Holmfirth runner behind in 2nd place was putting in some really hard work to try and catch him. Just behind them was Ian Fisher of Otley in 3rd and Darran Bilton of Leeds in 4th. After these there was a large gap to the next runner. The race was also the Northern 10 Mile Championship and i was hoping to be in the race and winning a medal but to be honest i don't think i would of had a chance unless there where more than three medals up for grabs, may be the iron medal or even the tin one would of done. I'll just have to make sure i'm ready next time.
I did the midweek club time trial of 2.2 miles and was hoping to beat my target of getting under 11 minutes, i ran it in 10 minutes 44 seconds so i was more than pleased with the result, 32 seconds off my best time but i was chuffed to bits none the less. The weight training is still going really well so it will be good to see if it pays off next season.
The mince pie time is coming around fast, starting with the Harriers Christmas do this coming Friday. Just when i was starting to get in shape all these parties come along to put you out of shape. The next cross country race is the same weekend so i'll be trying my hardest not to go over the top with the drink, but you know what its like once you get a couple of drinks down you, you can't stop pouring them in. Cheers ! Oops getting into the spirit of things already.

1 comment:

Antony Bradford said...

Sorry you missed your club 10 miler. I know what it's like with family commitments, having got a wife and 2 sprogs myself. Would like to thank the Harriers for a well organised race, and also to the catering staff for the pea and ham soup.

Can't yet work out where the harriers do their hill work?