Sunday 21 December 2008

No time for time.

I managed to get my long run done this weekend and i left the watch at home. Because as soon as there is a watch or heart rate monitor on my wrist then i have the tendency to run too hard, at this time of year i feel my long runs should be tiring but enjoyable there is plenty of time left before the long runs need to be cranked up a few gears.
I'm looking forward to selecting some new race shoes, at the moment i'm planning on sticking with Mizuno Idaten's as they seem to suit my running style and have tremendous grip in all conditions the only draw back is the colour option of yellow with red logos. Asics race shoes let me down once with not gripping to well in wet conditions on smooth tarmac and have slight support for over pronation so they don't suit my style, may be Adidas could sneak in there, i've never tried Adidas road shoes but swear by their fell shoes, oh ! and they look good as well.

Hope you all have a good Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

But before you go just try this small experiment below.

To confirm your thoughts, see answer at the very bottom of this page.

1 comment:

Antony Bradford said...

I know what you mean about judging the speed of your long runs. It sometimes feels like you can go faster and get away with it, rather like running a marathon.

Ive just noted from Ians(fisher)blog that he's done a recent 28 miler at something like 6-30 pace. So the speed you run them at is obviously different for every runner, depending on their level of fitness and ability. I tend to run mine at somewhere between 7-7-30 mins per mile pace, and the runs are somewhere between 14 and 17 miles long. This suits me, and I can still function for the rest of Sunday, and even run reasonably hard the next day.

I am not training for a marathon next year but I still like to do these runs to help with fitness and recovery.

Hope you have a merry(or happy) Christmas and all the best with your running for 2009.

Ho, and welcome to the over 40's club.