Thursday 5 February 2009

Little devil says " Get some training done."

Having not done a road race for about three months last Sundays 10k race is taking some getting over, more probably to do with the aging progress than anything else, seeing as i've never been this old before i have nothing to compare why it seems to be taking so long to recover after a mere 10k race. The suffering has been worth while as i am now the National number one in the V40 10k rankings.
This week i swapped training days by doing the Weight training on the Tuesday and the Interval training on the Thursday to try and get some training in whilst my legs recover and for added torture i had the Clubs circuit and speed training fitted in on the Wednesday. I think more rest would of been better than suffering in training and well below my normal abilities at that. But as usual the little devil on my shoulder talked me into trying to train hard whilst i knew i should of been resting. I now have an easy time penciled in until the cross country race this Sunday, hopefully my legs will be feeling 100% again as i'm keen as hell to get racing at the moment.
I still feel that by the end of the week i will of improved my performance by around twenty seconds over 5 miles so a good hard race can only add to me getting race fit.
Oh ! I found some Mizuno Idaten 3 's for £35 and for that price i will be more than happy to put up with the bright yellow and red colour scheme. Light, snug fitting for speed, just enough cushioning and hard wearing what more could anyone ask for. You would think i was sponsored by Mizuno or something talking like that.
I hope it warms up a touch for Sundays race as i'm just about fed up of being frozen from the moment i step out of the door to go to work until the moment i get back home.
Due to all this cold weather I spend most of my pre-race warm up these days sat in the car with the heater on full blast and then popping out with a couple of minutes to go for a quick jog.

1 comment:

Antony Bradford said...

Well done at Dewsbury and your well deserved new national V40 title.

Watch out for that devil on your shoulder, as you get older it seems harder to ignore.