Saturday 14 February 2009

YVAA Cross Country Championships

I couldn't of asked for better weather for today's cross country race at York which was the Yorkshire Vets Cross Country Championships hosted by York Knavesmire running club. The course was perfect for cross country but unfortunately for me it was ankle deep in mud all the way round the 10k course, i don't go to well in the mud so i was pleased to bring home the V40 Gold medal after a 10k battle with a V35 Bingley runner for second place overall. I just about managed to out sprint him for the line, god knows how as we both seemed to be struggling to get some purchase underfoot. My Club Coach Rob Burn took silver in the V55 category and Pat Kirby another Thirsk Harrier took silver in the Ladies V55 Category. So not a bad outing for the Thirsk and Sowerby Harriers. I also felt like i was representing the NYSD League for some strange reason and even though i was on my least favoured ground i will sleep well tonight in the knowledge i didn't let the league down with my performance.
I will now be spending the next month Marathon training, i plan to build on what i have progressed to so far this season in the hope of smashing some P.B.'s by the end of April. Well ! at least smash a couple of seconds off.
It's almost time to say good-bye to the cross country running with only two races left to run, the NYSD League fixture at Richmond and the British Masters Championships in North Wales.
A 16 mile recovery run is penciled in for tomorrow so long slow and enjoyable it will be.

1 comment:

Antony Bradford said...

Thanks for your most recent comment on my blog - and all the training tips(on your blog).

Well done at the Vets Cross Country yesterday.