Sunday 1 March 2009

Marathon Training

Today i took on my 22 mile very hilly marathon training route around Boltby and Kepwick Moor. I didn't fancy carrying the added weight of the camera with me so i could only manage this photo at the end of my run, the miles don't seem to be working on keeping me looking fresh and cheerful. After yesterdays hour of hill training i decided i had better take it steady to start with seeing as i was not sure how i would cope with the final third of the run. Everything seemed to flow along nicely all the way to the 19 mile point or there abouts and from there i cranked the pace up to the finish. For this time of year everything looks to be going really well with the time i managed to do, to be honest i was more concerned with being able to finish strongly than getting round in a quick time but i will take the quick time with pleasure. A morale booster like this is almost as good as a win. Nah ! Not really.
The weight battle continues and i have managed to extend my long run home from work on Tuesdays and Fridays to assist with the problem. Probably more speed work and tempo runs would be beneficial but there's not enough time in the week, unlike Paula Radcliffe's eight day week. My eight day week would definitely have an extra Sunday rather than an extra Monday, can you imagine a week with two Monday's.

Weight training continues, which now has become something to look forward to after all the running. So this years plan of continuing with the weight training through the race season is looking to be an easy part of the master plan. After seeing that Ricky Stevensons time from last Sundays Snake Lane 10 mile race i might be tempted to do less miles and more high speed work.

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