Monday 21 September 2009

Osmotherly Phoneix Route.

Sunday morning I ran round the Osmotherly Phoneix fell Race route as selected by my route manager, I went for the 17 mile distance or 18 miles according to others with distance monitors. It's definitely a tough route and I thought the course was just to my liking, I will be definitely adding this route to one of my favourite long training runs. At a nice steady pace I got round in 2 hours 32 minutes and that's with all the added time for map reading. I have the Castle Howard 10k Charity Race next weekend which should be good as there will be no pressure and the main goal will be to raise money and enjoy myself. The weekend after that I am off on another adventure around the Kildale area but I will need to discuss the route in more detail over the next two weeks.
After the fantastic run around Osmotherly etc I settled down to watch the Great North Run and was not disappointed, the only disappoint was probably I feeling of needing to be there running. The wife commented on doing it next year, I replied I would look forward to sitting in my deckchair watching the race near the finish with a couple of beers, she quickly dismissed any such ideas and said I would have to run round with her. I have not told her yet but I don't think she will be able to keep up with me.
Then late Sunday afternoon I suddenly felt sick and sick I was. All the way until this morning and now as I slowly recover feeling sorry for myself I reminisce of that lovely Sunday morning.
My plan of equaling my fifteen year run without a day off sick has ended after three years this time.

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