Thursday 22 October 2009

Spartan Treadmill Session.

The question is am I getting fitter or just training myself to endure more pain.

The ingredients for hell on a treadmill is as follows ;

Set yourself a real hard pace that you can just about manage for 2 minutes 40 seconds. After completing 2 minutes 40 you should be thinking that was bloody hard and how the hell do I expect to run ten of these. Take 2 minutes 20 seconds jog recovery and then go again full speed ahead for another 2 minutes 40. The session should be that hard that you are praying and hoping you can make it to half way. Once past half way start thinking there's less to do now with each stride than you have just done. Reps 7 and 8 are the hardest as there's still plenty to do as your legs start to go to jelly and you struggle even more to find oxygen. The knowledge of knowing rep 9 is the penultimate makes it slightly easier to begin with, as 40 seconds pass you should be thinking there is no way I can do this, the need to break the next 2 minutes into 30 second sections is the only way you can cope and just as your going to give up there's only 30 seconds left which you might as well do now you have got this far, finally bang ! the time is up and you can rest and prepare yourself for the easiest rep of all the final one. The thought of no more severe suffering after the last rep makes it that much easier. The final rest time is up and the you start your final rep, on passing the forty second barrier with two minutes to go and you suddenly realise how the hell is the last one easy. More and more you need to break down those final minutes into manageable sections, how can a minute suddenly seem so long, even ten seconds takes forever and then Finaly the finish should be within sight as the pain suddenly starts to fade and you complete the session. How the hell did I manage to do that and how the hell will I beat that next week makes you look forward to a few easy days.
My wife says I don't know why you bother going if it's that bad. But the worse it is the more the feel good factor lasts afterwards. So I tell myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh - Yes I know all these thoughts and feelings. It sounds like a typical track session for me. I spend all day dreading it and all the way through the session I think it's impossible, but I always finish it and I haven't died just yet.