Thursday 31 December 2009

Rest not rust.

REST - Even if it was forced rest it's definitely true what they say in that rest is a vital part of improving. Today's session at the gym was weight training which I enjoy and for that added moral boost I just about smashed all my lifting P.B.'s to pieces. The best thing about rest is that it seems alot easier to do as you get older, and in another 10 years I should be able to get 6 rest days in a week and then I will be flying. ( I wish ).
New Years Day is looking like a case of an easy 10 miler just in case the devil drink manages to sneak past my defences, to be honest I don't think it will sneak past but more like come flooding in.
So no Captain's Cook Fell Race on New Years Day for me, even though I would like to have a crack at it. I have done a few training runs around the course and besides the unbelievable steep slippery section to the top of the woods before Captain Cook's monument it seems to be a fast going route which is just how I like them. You can't beat having a good bit of tarmac section in a fell race I say, I don't think the hardened fell runners would agree though.
My latest idea is to have a go at some indoor track racing. 1500 metres or the 3000 metres sounds the right distance to me, yet again more for having fun before getting serious for the marathon. The more fun now the easier the hard training will be when the time is right. You can't train hard after months of racing hard.

Not Forgetting - ALL THE BEST FOR 2010


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