Wednesday 10 February 2010

Impossible cracked.

To make sure my speed training session was really hard tonight I set my intervals times way out of my capability. At 19km/h on the treadmill I just about managed to complete four sets of 9 minutes with 3 minutes rest between sets the last time, this time I went for 9 minutes 30 seconds with the same amount of rest. The first three sets were really hard and then finally on the last one I cracked with 3 minutes to go and had to slow the machine down slightly. It will be some time before I can muster up the strength and will power to push myself well beyond my limits, at least now I can enjoy getting back to more achievable training sessions.
I have an easy 7 miler lined up for tomorrow morning with a weight training session to look forward to in the evening. Now that I have mashed out a sub 32 minute 10k with relative ease I feel my weight training and treadmill sessions must be working, and therefore I'm sure a sub 31 minute 10k will be achieved this year.
I have penciled in some more speed work for Saturday and a twenty miler in for Sunday weather permitting, the most important point is running the twenty miler at the right speed, not too slow that it's not worth the effort and not too fast that I can't train for three days afterwards. That's why training by yourself on long runs has it's advantages. My planned route this Sunday is two laps of the old Ripon 10 mile race route. First lap as a warm up and the second at a good pace.

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