Sunday 7 March 2010

Compressing thoughts.

The twenty miler today might of been steady but it wasn't easy especially after yesterdays speed session that had left my legs feeling stiff even before the off. You could say that running on tired legs is good marathon training in that it teaches you to keep going at a good pace even when your legs have lost all their flexibility, but I would say that your training yourself to run slower with an unnatural running action. Maybe I will just have to compromise somewhere along the way.
The weather was almost perfect this morning with no wind and lots of sunshine it was that good I now realise how much I'm missing those summer months. Some runners prefer the cold weather for running but myself the hotter the better, it's usually July before I think it's warm enough to leave the gloves off.
I was looking at those compression tops and reading about their performance enhancing properties, if everything is true then it might be worth swapping my running vest for a short sleeve compression top or even a compression vest. I might give it a go at Sheffield Half Marathon, only after some more investigation work on using them for longer runs. They might be like them long compression socks were they work but you look a bit daft.


Exiled runner said...

Eh! You're not doing your hard-as-nails image Gary keeping your gloves on till July.
If he's running give that Jason Ward a growling (similar to ones you give Mr Bilton) at Sheffield Half :-)
I'm ticking along with the training, but no big gun's type comeback planned yet.
Ian F.

The Engineer said...

I say gloves but they are better known as gauntlets come knuckle dusters. I just wanted to trick people into thinking I had gone soft. I haven't lost my skill in upsetting people so I like to keep my gloves close at hand.
Good to hear from you Ian, one of my lookouts had seen you walking around Bradford and by the time I got there you had gone. I thought I would grab the chance whilst I could of beating you seeing as you was only out walking.