Wednesday 15 January 2014

What a Goal !

   The goal was for me to complete my 5km test run in under 18 minutes, I would happily  take an extra 3 seconds grace seeing as I was asking a lot of myself with it being only eleven days since my last 5km test run. After some calculations at work I came up with a plan which worked out that I should complete the 5k in 18 mins 02 secs, I couldn't increase my planned pace as it would be hard enough as it was so I just had to go with the plan. On the way home from work and on the way to the gym I knew anything but a sub 18 minute would be considered a disaster, I had to come up with something and something fast. After a good warm up it was time for some pain and so the test run began, I stuck with my planned pace but instead of cranking the pace right up with a minute to go I went for it with 1 min 40 secs to go which brought me home in 17 mins 58 secs. Job Dunn.
  I now have three weeks before my next 5km test run which I will be aiming for 17 mins 45 secs which shouldn't be too hard to achieve, the only problem is  that now I have upped my end game I will now have no option but to do that every time. No more cheeky couple of seconds off using that method, ah ha, unless I go for it with two minutes to go, that will be one hell of a sprint finish.
  I have rejoined Thirsk and Sowerby Harriers after some considerable thought, it feels like the right thing to do and so onwards I go with my yellow and blue vest.

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