Saturday 8 February 2014

Having Doubts ?

   Doubts ? I think I have clocked up ten weeks of training so far and for the first time DOUBTS have started to come into the equation. What if I don't improve anymore from this point ? What if my training only keeps me at the same level I'm presently at ? should I be doing  more ? If I train more will I pick up injuries ? Training too fast? Too slow ? Too hard ? Too easy ? Them doubts can sod off because my hard uphill training today proved that things are still heading in the right direction.
    I have ordered myself a new bike through work to save myself a load of tax and vat money, oh and not forgetting I will also be helping to save the planet according to the goverment. Besides all that it will help keep me motivated with some extra cross training with the commute to and from work.
   Just a long steady run tomorrow of around 10 or 12 miles and that will round off  another good week of running.
   I don't seem to have the out and out speed as I used to have which is probably age related but that shouldn't be too much of a problem if I don't drop below a 3000 metre race and on a positive note my recovery time after hard training sessions is still good which doesn't half help matters. Unlike back in early December when I was needing to take a few days off after hard training sessions.
   The weight training Friday made a pleasant change from running and biking the only down side was my shoulders and chest were stiff as chuff this morning. Its only been a couple of weeks since I last did some weight training but it felt like I had been away for years. There was some nutcase in the gym huffing and puffing and swearing his head off and telling everyone what weight he was about to lift next, I was just about to say some young lass had just lifted that weight with ease and quietly. But managed to keep my words in for once.
" I often regret that I have spoken never that I have remained silent ". At last I am taking notice and avoided a confrontation of some sort.

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