Saturday 15 March 2014

Back on Track

  It was a case of getting some more training done today that is more focused towards racing a 5k race. The legs were going well once again today and I managed to move up a level or two ready for my next 5k test run next Saturday. 15 minutes 50 seconds is what I will be aiming at which is another good thirty seconds plus of an improvement compared to my last test run.
     Plan 'C' is now also on it's way to joining plans 'A' and 'B' in the wheelie bin and it is now time to roll out plan 'D'.  I'm sure I can get my 5k test time below fifteen minutes by the end of May so that is exactly what I will be aiming to do.
    I can't believe it is now only two weeks to go before my first race, the original plan was for it to be just a good hard test run to see how my training was coming along but it has now become much more than that. Expectations, pressure and race nerves or just a few unwanted words that were not on my original plan but to be honest there can't be much left of my original plan now anyway.
    My wife is always moaning that I don't help out much at home and the other day in the middle of Tesco's she didn't half embarrass me by shouting out "my husband is a total idle bast*rd" , bloody hell ! I nearly fell out of the shopping trolley.

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