Wednesday 12 March 2014

He's crashed He's crashed He's crashed.

  I decided to get stuck into some faster speed work this week. After checking out my latest training sessions compared to past years I came up with a speed session on the treadmill that was 2 minutes at 21kmh followed by 3 minutes jog then repeat ten times. Ohhh my legs did not like that training session one little bit. Straight from the start I had to knock ten seconds off my supposedly 2 minutes at 21kmh and if I only just managed that how the hell was I going to do ten. Four was tough really tough, five was hell, I had to do six at all costs and once I had managed  seven the end was in sight. Eight started off really bad and I'm not quite sure when the thought He's crashed He's crashed He's crashed raced through my mind as I dived and hit the slow down button. After recovering for five minutes I continued with some tempo work to take me to the hour point.
   I have no idea at the present moment in time why I failed the above training session. It could of been the lack of speed work at that speed which I will rectify as soon as it is possible. Secondly may be I'm just not at the fitness level I thought I was at. Either way I had one hell of a hard work out and my legs are cramping up already. Next week I will choose a more sensible and achievable speed session more for my sanity than anything else.
    The Hartlepool Marina 5 mile race in a couple of weeks time  should be interesting going off my recent training results. I should be able to run it anywhere between 26 minutes to 34 minutes or in other words owt could happen.
   At least my new trainers look good.

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