Wednesday 21 May 2014

2014 War Machine

The 2014  v45 war machine is now ready for action.

Weight - 10st 4lb.  Slightly heavier than preferred race weight.
Training - Now smashing old training personal bests.
Race gear - Updated, tested and ready to race.
Getting slower with age - They might be getting slower but my plan is to be faster, stronger, wiser and hungrier than ever before.
  In other words I am ready to race and to discover what this new 2014  v45 war machine can actually do.

 Today's training went really well. I picked out one of my hardest training sessions, checked what my best times where and then added some time to the length of the interval. My best being intervals run for 9 minutes at a set pace with three minutes jog recovery with 4 of these to do. I have only completed this session a hand full of times in the past and crumpled and failed many times. Today I made it 9 minutes 30 seconds. If I had failed half way, two thirds of the way, three quarters of the way then I would of not been too bothered the fact that I was prepared to attack my best was all that mattered. Thankfully I conquered this session and moved into uncharted territory.

  What to do next is the big question. My original plan was to ease back on my next two speed sessions as I line myself up for the 5k race in eleven days time. Or continue with the hard work whilst the going is good.

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