Thursday 5 June 2014

Almost there wherever that is !

  It looks like I have been lucky in terms of my cold as it now appears to be going and my cardiovascular system is getting better by the day now, so I should be back to full health in time for the Masters Championships in ten days time. Talk about cutting it fine.
   I am still suffering mentally wise from my poor performance at the Middlesbrough 5k last weekend, should of and could of syndrome. But hey! That's the roller coaster running life for you.
   The running bug must me well and truly back as I got soaked yesterday cycling to work, soaked cycling home and then finally drenched when I went out for some speed training, it felt quite refreshing to be honest.
    I have been thinking about the championships and what race tactics I should go with. The obvious being the steady start and sit in with an attack near the end of the race but there could be some fast shorter distance runners in the field hoping for a nice steady first part of the race before using their speed to power away. I could time trial it as in running evenly paced as possible for the full 5k to get my fastest possible time, but that would be pointless as I would only drag my rivals round as they use less effort sat in behind me. The fast start to thin the field out could be good but dangerous as you are burnt out before the finish. I will have to go with some sort of a controlled fast start to get rid of the time trialists before working with some others who have a similar plan to me. The masters throw in another curve ball as you could benefit from the younger age groups in the same race  and sit in behind them if they are quick enough.  Plenty of other options to think about or should I say wake up in the middle of the night thinking about.
    I will have to leave my Thirsk and Sowerby Harriers race vest at home for the championships as I will be running for the Northern Vets AC. I hope it doesn't mess with my pre-race superstitions. On that note, the left sock on first left shoe on first idea for 2014 doesn't seem to be working too well for me so I'm switching to left sock first right shoe first. If all goes well at least I will know why.
  In the mean while I will be waiting anxiously until I run my test run on Tuesday morning, all out attack for 2.2 miles. I have a time to beat but more importantly let me see them lungs back in full working action.

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