Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Fast Forward.

 I had loads of time left before the British Masters 5k Championships and now it's all gone, I just hope I go as quick as that time flew by. I am trying my best to forget about the race now as I am sick and tired of running through the race in my mind morning, noon and night. What position will I be able to finish in ? What time will I be capable of ? Will I be fully fit and healthy ? Who is my opposition ? What if I don't get a medal ? What race tactics should I use ? So all appears to be normal then for an important race. In the past on some occasions I  haven't managed to  live up to my expectations in big races, just so long as I have given it my best shot then every time I have been happy with my result.
   My Tuesday morning test run on my way to work went well, nine seconds off my time from 2010 which should mean a 15 minute 50 second 5k is possible. In my thirties my races and training was severely constant and accurate but now at 45 things seem to be more unpredictable. I have experienced a few unpredicted results in the recent past unfortunately in a negative way but come Sunday things might be different I might pull something out of the so called bag, I think I have ever only pulled something out of the bag once before so I must be due another by now. Errm doesn't fit in with my quote I have been staring at for the last 5 months,
   " You don't win Gold by having good luck ".
Another couple of quotes that have kept me motivated.
   " Take from them everything, give them nothing "  as in metres          during the race not their possessions afterwards.
    Finally " This is it, this is what its all been about, it is time ".

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