Tuesday 24 February 2009

On the mend.

Good news at last. Today i felt a lot better so i'm now sure that i am on the mend and not getting any worse. A time trial tomorrow and then a few more easy days should see me through to the end of this cold.
Each year i seem to struggle more and more with getting through winter training but this year i have found an even harder challenge of trying to get down to race weight. If i'm not stuffing my face due to moments of weakness then i am eating in haste to try and regain some strength after not eating properly which has caused me to feel really lethargic. People that i know that don't run think i must have some sort of eating disorder when you try and tell them i need to loose at least another 6 pounds yet. When i do manage to get back down to my race weight i'm going to try and stay as close as i can to it in future so i don't end up with the need to loose almost a stone in weight. Easier said than done, especially when i enjoy making a pig of myself over the winter months.
Each year ever since my cycling days i come back at the start of the new season slightly different from the last. This year i would say my legs have found some extra power, due to the fact that at the end of hard races my legs are still ok but i'm struggling cardiovascular wise each time. So i can only put this down to the weight training as i was pushing my cardio vascular system to the limit once/twice a week.
Scarbrough tomorrow, so i might be weak and have a few drinks, and with tonight's pancakes this diet is going all wrong yet again, but enjoyably wrong.

1 comment:

Antony Bradford said...

I know exactly what you mean about eating and trying to keep the weight down. I like my food enormously and find it an hard to resist a large nosh up - particularly after a race or some decent training sessions. Trouble is, I find the food that is supposed to be good for you is also the least filling and enjoyable. I have tried holding back, the trouble with that is you get hungry and end up noshing on junk food.